Routes browser

There are 136 routes
Menhir the Bighead

Unknown Cantabria

This is a 2 days-ride, circular route, easy, for beginners, that can be done as a family to ride on the valley of the Camesa river, a very unknown part of Cantabria. While pedaling we will learn from the first human efforts to tame Nature and shape the natural environment, to the murals...
Mining footprints in Riotinto

Unknown Huelva

This is a one week, circular route, for intermediate cyclists. Of id but demanding distances, with a lot of unpaved roads, and trails without maintenance, with sections of poor road surfaces, which are interspersed with comfortable roads and long lines of quiet tracks, a few km on greenways and...
Cliffs on the banks of the Tagus

Upper Tagus

This is a linear, 8-day pedaling route for advanced cyclists. Amazing ride between the cities of Teruel and Sigüenza (Guadalajara), crossing one of the highest and most depopulated areas of the country, watershed of numerous rivers that flow into both the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea...
By the Tietar greenway

Western mountains of Madrid

This is a two-day, circular route that runs through the 'water villages' of Madrid western mountains, between the Alberche and Tiétar rivers. Forested area, with oak, chestnut, pine, juniper, but also home to vineyards and olive groves, often mixed. Starting from San Martín de...
Tajuña meadows

Wine and olive oil of Madrid

This is a 2-days, gastronomic route, very easy, for beginners and also adaptable to families, that runs along the valley of the Tajuña river. Our goal is to learn about its production of wine and olive oil. On the first day and thanks to our friends of Pincelada Winery, in Morata de...
The valley of the Yedras

Yedras and Iruelas

This is a two-days, circular route, for advanced cyclists, in a privileged natural environment. We will cross the Sierra de Gredos mountain range twice, with some push to cross the passes. Starting from El Tiemblo, we will climb up through pine groves and chestnut woods of the Valley of...