Tour to the Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir

Specific place: 
Araba: Ullibarri-Gamboa Reservoir
IBP Index: 
Group min/máx: 
4-8 people
Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir, with Vitoria-Gasteiz in the background. Author: Basotxerri, CC BY-SA 4.0, low resolution.

Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir, with Vitoria-Gasteiz in the background. Author: Basotxerri, CC BY-SA 4.0, low resolution.

This is a one-day circular route for moderate cyclists and ideal for families.

It is a pedaling on the banks of the Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir, which retains the waters of the Zadorra River and supplies it to the urban areas of Vitoria-Gasteiz and Bilbo. Through its very well signposted cycle path we will enjoy its riverside forests and landscapes, diverting us to local roads in the most difficult sections. Its good services, the possibility of renting bikes and its proximity to the Basque capital add advantages to this fun route.

In addition, we remind you that Vitoria-Gasteiz was the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2014.

The Ullibarri-Gamboa Reservoir is a protected wetland according to the RAMSAR Convention, as well as being listed as SCI (Site of Community Importance) in the Natura 2000 network.

Scheduled itinerary: 

Day 1.- Transport to Vitoria-Gasteiz. Ride from Vitoria-Gasteiz to Mendixur (25 km), by the Vasco-Navarro greenway and the shore of the Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir. Visit to the ornithological park. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Mendixur to Vitoria-Gasteiz (42 km), by the shore of the Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir and the Vasco-Navarro greenway. Visit to the Garaio provincial park. Transport back home.

Beautiful bike path Beautiful bike path
The reservoir and the Elgea mountains. Author: Gartxoak, CC BY-SA 4.0, low resolution. The reservoir and the Elgea mountains. Author: Gartxoak, CC BY-SA 4.0, low resolution.
Bridge. Author: Ksarasola, CC BY-SA 3.0, low resolution. Bridge. Author: Ksarasola, CC BY-SA 3.0, low resolution.

For reservation you should either call previously by phone to Josetxu (+34 644299532) or send us an email to, to verify that there are still free places. We will send you a booking form and instructions for payment at that time.


Last update: 

(Final price may vary depending on the availability of accommodation and the update of rates of the different providers.)

Guided route: 
300,00 €
(Minimum group: 4 people)
Self-guided route: 
20,00 €
Customized route: 
175,00 €

Different route types are explained in General conditions.
