
Gibt es 145 Routen
Die Kräne, die Lagune und die Menera-Berge im Hintergrund

Die Kraniche von Gallocanta

This is a circular route, lasting a couple of days, for beginner cyclists, ideal for families and birdwatching enthusiasts. We will cycle around the Gallocanta laggon, which is the most important enclave for waterfowl in Aragon and the second largest in the Iberian Peninsula after Doñana...
Das Dorf Zugarramurdi

Lurpea: die baskischen Höhlen

This is a eleven-day linear route for intermediate cyclists who want to explore the Basque lands and their underground world. Lurpea, which means underground in Basque, is an association of eight Basque caves that have launched the “underground without borders” initiative, to bring...

01/07/2024 bis 11/07/2024

Spanien, Norden Frühling, Herbst, Sommer 2 Wochen Mittelschwer Archäorad, Natur Nueva ruta
Casa de Barros (Bild reproduziert mit Genehmigung von TermaEuropa S.L.)

Mit dem Fahrrad zum Arnedillo Spa

This is a linear or circular route, at your convenience, for beginner cyclists, for a weekend resting in the Arnedillo spa (La Rioja). From Calahorra, on the banks of the Ebro River, we take the Cidacos greenway that takes us gently to the first mountains of the Iberian System. Around...
Wellen auf Klippen

Der Norden Portugals

We had left to roll northern Portugal. This is a linear, 2-weeks route for intermediate cyclists, that this time runs along all the north coast of the country, from Foz do Minho to Lisbon. Linking bicycle lanes, quiet secondary roads and some boardways, we pedal its beaches, lagoons and...

Radfahren entlang der portugiesischen Küste

A tour that covers the whole coast of Portugal: a linear, 4-weeks route, for intermediate cyclists, from the estuary of the river Miño to Guadiana's one. From the saddle of our bicycle we can know a superb environment of lagoons, dunes and forests, with their beaches and spectacular...
Mittelmeer vom Arles Pass


This is a one-week, circular route, for intermediate cyclists, that runs through Girona province from the Costa Brava to the Pyrenees and back, along more than 350 km, following Pirinexus, a Catalan cycle route created to develop jointly a continuous bike touring network between both sides of...

Die baskischen Berge

This is a one-week, linear route, with short but intense stages, for intermediate cyclists, that runs on local roads and greenways, and sometimes climbs up on hard slopes and tracks, tracing a line along the watershed divide between the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins. We cross...
Der Tajo und die Titten von Viana

Die 'Reise nach Alcarria' mit dem Fahrrad

This is a circular route, simple, for intermediate riders, that runs for a week along a beautiful collection of corners of the Alcarria, the region of meadows and moors that covers part of the province of Guadalajara. Starting from the city of Guadalajara, we will follow the route described...

29/05/2023 bis 03/06/2023

Spanien, Mitte Frühling, Herbst 1 Woche Mittelschwer Kultur, Natur
Der Greenway etwas nach dem Tunnel von Uitzi

Der Plazaola Greenway

This is a 2-days linear route, with two more days for transportation, for moderate cyclists, that starts in Pamplona and finishes in San Sebastian. We leave the capital of Navarre to pedal by the valleys of the rivers Arakil and Larraun up to Lekumberri, and from here we get the greenway...
Sonnenaufgang im Bot

Der greenway des Zafan-Tal

This is a linear route, for moderate cyclists, with a significant length of approximately 165 km of riding in four days. In its first part it runs along the greenways of the Val del Zafán, Terra Alta and the Baix Ebre, linking Alcañiz, in the region of the Lower Aragon, with...