Die baskischen Berge

Genauer Ort: 
Gipuzkoa, Navarra, Araba, Bizkaia und Burgos: Irun - Doneztebe - Lekunberri - Arbizu - Mendixur - Murgia - Bilbo
IBP Index: 
Gruppe mind./max.: 
4-8 Personen
12/06/2023 bis 17/06/2023


This is a one-week, linear route, with short but intense stages, for intermediate cyclists, that runs on local roads and greenways, and sometimes climbs up on hard slopes and tracks, tracing a line along the watershed divide between the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins.

We cross different natural parks that preserve forests of beeches and oaks, megaliths and dolmens. On the first two days the route gains altitude from the Bidasoa river valley up to Aralar mountains, then it descends into the Barranca valley and follows up by the Llanada Alavesa flatlands, then it borders the lakesides of Ulibarri-Gamboa and Urrunaga reservoirs, and continues with tendency to the southern face on the foothills of the mounts Amboto and Gorbea, until it reaches the Mount Santiago and rides down to Urduña. Along the route we pedal on many sections of GR trails, as well as the Bidasoa and Plazaola greenways, we sleep in some special lodges, and enjoy spectacular lookouts like the waterfall of the Nervión river. 6 good ride days.

The Ullíbarri-Gamboa reservoir is a protected wetland according to the RAMSAR Convention. This route runs through the Bidasoa river, Aralar mountains, and the Zadorra river dams, sites classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); and by the Bidasoa river and the Sierra Salvada mountains, areas protected as SPA (Special Protection Area) in the Natura 2000 network.

The city of Bilbao was designated a UNESCO City of Design in 2014.

Vorgesehene Reiseroute: 
Day 1.- Ride from Irun to Doneztebe (41 km), by the Bidasoa greenway. Visit to the historical center of Bera de Bidasoa. Lodging at Hostal Santamaría.
Day 2.- Ride from Doneztebe to Lekunberri (44 km), by the Plazaola greenway. We get into the Natural Park of Aralar. Lodging at Hostal Elosta.
Day 3.- Ride from Lekunberri to Arbizu (35 km), by Aralar mountains. Visit to the Sanctuary of San Miguel de Aralar. Lodging at Hostal Izar-Ondo.
Day 4.- Ride from Arbizu to Mendixur (54 km), at the shore of the Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir. Lodging at Mirador Ardea Mendixur.
Day 5.- Ride from Mendixur to Murgia (49 km), by Zadorra river dams. Visits to the Mendixur Birding Park and the Garaio Provincial Park. Lodging at La Casa del Patrón.
Day 6.- Ride from Murgia to Urduña (38 km), by the Sierra Salvada mountains. Visit to the Nervión river waterfall and the beech forest of Monte Santiago. Train to Bilbo. Transportation back home.
Tunnel im Vasco-Navarro Greenway Tunnel im Vasco-Navarro Greenway
Landstraßen Landstraßen
Auf dem Weg nach Aralar Auf dem Weg nach Aralar

Zur Bestätigung der Reservierung bitte Josetxu anrufen (+34 644 299 532) oder eine Mail an info@bicicletos.org schicken, um zu prüfen, ob noch freie Plätze vorhanden sind. Wir schicken Euch daraufhin ein Reservierungsformular und die Zahlungsanweisungen.


Letzte Aktualisierung: 

(Der Endpreis kann je nach Verfügbarkeit der Unterkunft und Aktualisierung der Preise der verschiedenen Anbieter variieren.)

Geführte Route: 
935,00 €
(Mindestgruppe: 4 Personen)
Selbstgeführte Tour : 
60,00 €
Benutzerdefinierte Route : 
525,00 €

Die verschiedenen Formate der Touren werden in Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Für Die Reisen.
