This is a linear or circular route, at your convenience, for beginner cyclists, for a weekend resting in the Arnedillo spa (La Rioja).
From Calahorra, on the banks of the Ebro River, we take the Cidacos greenway that takes us gently to the first mountains of the Iberian System. Around Arnedillo we have many interesting activities to do, such as bird watching from the vulture viewpoint, or riding about 10 km to Enciso to see its Paleontological Center.
Since 2003, the Jubera, Leza, Cidacos and Alhama Valleys have been a Biosphere Reserve.
This route runs through Peñas de Arnedillo, Peñalmonte and Peña Isasa, sites classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance) in the Natura 2000 network.
Day 1.- Transportation to Calahorra. Ride from Calahorra to Arnedillo (34 km), along the Cidacos greenway. Visit to the spa. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Arnedillo to Calahorra (34 km), along the Cidacos greenway; o transportation back home from Arnedillo.
Eingeschlossen / Nicht Eingeschlossen
Balnearios riojanos del siglo XIX: el triángulo Cervera-Arnedillo-Grávalos, von Andoni Fernández Díez.
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