Lurpea: die baskischen Höhlen

Genauer Ort: 
Spanien und Frankreich: Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Navarra, Lapurdi und Baja Navarra: Bilbao – Elgoibar – Oñati – Zestoa – Lekunberri – Irun – Sara – Urdazubi – Donoztiri – Baiona
IBP Index: 
Gruppe mind./max.: 
4-8 Personen
01/07/2024 bis 11/07/2024
Sommer – Juli
Neue Route
Das Dorf Zugarramurdi

Das Dorf Zugarramurdi

This is a eleven-day linear route for intermediate cyclists who want to explore the Basque lands and their underground world.

Lurpea, which means underground in Basque, is an association of eight Basque caves that have launched the “underground without borders” initiative, to bring visitors closer to the discovery of vestiges of man's past, the beauty that nature has been sculpting. over the centuries, cave paintings made 13,000 years ago, or underground fauna. Using the available public transport, we will go by bicycle to visit the caves of Arrikrutz, Ekainberri, Isturitz, Mendukilo, Pozalagua, Sara, Urdax and Zugarramurdi.

The Basque coast is a Geopark.

Since 2014, Bilbao has been a UNESCO Creative City of Design.

Txingudi is a protected wetland by the RAMSAR Convention, in addition to being cataloged as a SCI (Site of Community Importance) and also as a SPA (Special Protection Area) within the Natura 2000 network. In addition, this route runs along the River Bidasoa, the Regata de Orabidea Regatta and Arxuri peat bog, the Massif du Mondarrain et de l'Artzamendi, La Nivelle, the Massif de la Rhune et de Choldocogagna, La Joyeuse, and La Bidouze, all spaces classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); and by the Col de Lizarrieta, an area protected as a SPA (Special Protection Area).

Vorgesehene Reiseroute: 

Day 1.- Transportation to Bilbao and from there to Karrantza. Ride from Karrantza to the Pozalagua cave and back (16 km). Visit to the Pozalagua cave. Transportation to Elgoibar. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Elgoibar to Oñati and the Arrikrutz cave (40 km), by bike lanes. Visit to the Arrikrutz cave. Lodging.
Day 3.- Ride from Oñati to Zestoa and the Ekainberri cave (47 km), through the Udana pass (515 m), bike lanes and the Urola greenway. Visit to the Ekain Berri cave. Lodging.
Day 4.- Ride from Zestoa to Zumaia (11 km) along the Urola greenway, transport to Andoain and ride to Lekunberri (47 km), by the Plazaola greenway. Lodging.
Day 5.- Ride from Lekunberri to the Mendukilo cave, and Uharte-Arakil (38 km) along the Plazaola greenway, and transportation to Irun. Visit to the Mendukilo cave. Lodging.
Day 6.- Rest day. Lodging.
Day 7.- Ride from Irun to the Sara cave, and to Sara (40 km), along the Bidasoa greenway. Visit to the Sara cave. Lodging.
Day 8.- Ride from Sara to the Zugarramurdi cave, to the Urdazubi cave, and to Urdazubi (13 km). Visits to the Zugarramurdi cave and the Urdazubi cave. Lodging.
Day 9.- Ride from Urdazubi to Donostiri (51 km). Visit to the Isturitz cave. Lodging.
Day 10.- Ride from Donostiri to Kanbo (48 km), and transportation to Baiona. Farewell dinner. Lodging.
Day 11.- Transportation back home.

Ekainberri-Höhlenmalereien Ekainberri-Höhlenmalereien
Arrikrutz-Formationen Arrikrutz-Formationen
Der Eingang zur Sara-Höhle Der Eingang zur Sara-Höhle

Zur Bestätigung der Reservierung bitte Josetxu anrufen (+34 644 299 532) oder eine Mail an schicken, um zu prüfen, ob noch freie Plätze vorhanden sind. Wir schicken Euch daraufhin ein Reservierungsformular und die Zahlungsanweisungen.


Letzte Aktualisierung: 

(Der Endpreis kann je nach Verfügbarkeit der Unterkunft und Aktualisierung der Preise der verschiedenen Anbieter variieren.)

Geführte Route: 
1 515,00 €
(Mindestgruppe: 4 Personen)
Selbstgeführte Tour : 
110,00 €
Benutzerdefinierte Route : 
900,00 €

Die verschiedenen Formate der Touren werden in Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Für Die Reisen.
