This is a circular route, lasting a couple of days, for beginner cyclists, ideal for families and birdwatching enthusiasts.
We will cycle around the Gallocanta laggon, which is the most important enclave for waterfowl in Aragon and the second largest in the Iberian Peninsula after Doñana. It has more than 220 species of birds, including the famous cranes that come from northern Europe to the Gallocanta lagoon from mid-October to mid-December, with a wintering population remaining until spring.
Gallocanta is part of the network of the magical towns of Spain.
The Gallocanta Laggon Nature Reserve is a protected wetland according to the RAMSAR Convention, as well as being classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance) and as a SPA (Special Protection Area). This route also runs through the Cuenca de Gallocanta Basin, a protected SPA area within the Natura 2000 Network.
Day 1.- Transport to Gallocanta. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Gallocanta to Bello and back (34 km) along the west bank of the Gallocanta lagoon. Lodging.
Day 3.- Ride from Gallocanta to Bello and back (32 km) along the east bank of the Gallocanta lagoon. Visits to the Celtiberian village of El Castellar, and to the Gallocanta Lagoon Interpretation Centre in Bello. Lodging.
Day 4.- Transport back home.
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(Der Endpreis kann je nach Verfügbarkeit der Unterkunft und Aktualisierung der Preise der verschiedenen Anbieter variieren.)
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