
Gibt es 141 Routen
Die felsige Masse des Montgó

Der Naturpark von Montgó mit dem Fahrrad

This is a one day, circular, easy route, for initiates, that starts in Dénia, and runs around the massif of Montgó, a spectacular mountain of large limestone walls rising more than 700 m on the banks of the Mediterranean Sea. This unique area was declared a Natural Park in May 1987, and...
Klippen am Ufer des Tejo

Der Oberlauf des Tajo

This is a linear, 8-day pedaling route for advanced cyclists. Amazing ride between the cities of Teruel and Sigüenza (Guadalajara), crossing one of the highest and most depopulated areas of the country, watershed of numerous rivers that flow into both the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea...

Der Pamir mit dem Fahrrad

A great bike tour, with supporting car, in a high mountain scenario, two weeks of demanding pedaling, for advanced cyclists. This is a circular route that starts in Khorog, on the banks of the Panj River, in the deep valleys of Western Pamir, to climb the mythical Pamir Highway up to the shores...
Wo sich die Flüsse Manzanares und Jarama treffen

Der Regionalpark im Südosten von Madrid

This is a one-day, linear route for cyclists who want to know the final course of the Manzanares River, where it joins the Jarama River, and a few kilometers from its characteristic cliffs of gypsum and fluvial groves, which form the regional park of the Southeast of Madrid. Leaving from the...
Überschwänglicher Treidelpfad. Bild mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Isabel Zarza.

Der Seitenkanal der Garonne

This is a linear, one-week route, for initiated cyclists, that runs a little less than 300 km along the side channel of the River Garonne, from Bordeaux to Toulouse. It consists of the first part of the famous route known as Canal des Deux Mers Channel of the Two Seas, built to avoid the...

Der Süden Portugals

This is the second of our first proposals in Portugal: a two-weeks, linear route, for intermediate cyclists, that runs across the southern coast of the country from Lisbon to Sagres. Linking bike lanes, dirt and small roads, we will enjoyed one of the best preserved coastal landscapes of...
Die Einsiedelei von San Frutos in den Riaza-Schluchten

Der Weg von San Frutos mit dem Fahrrad

This is a 3-days ride, linear route, for intermediate cyclists, that follows one of the proposed routes of the retirement that Saint Frutos had to take, when it left the city and went to retire to the gorges of the Duratón river. Along the dirt roads and paved secondary roads we will...
Belize Fort in der Nähe des Kaps von Saint Vincent

Die Algarve mit dem Fahrrad

This is one of our first proposals in Portugal: a one-week, linear route, for moderate cyclists, that runs the Algarve region from Huelva to the Cape of Saint Vincent. Linking bike lanes, small roads and the Ecovia that extends all the coastal Algarve, we will enjoy a landscape of salt...
Der Wachturm von Arrebatacapas

Die arabischen Wachtürme von Madrid

This is a weekend, linear route, for used cyclists, that follows the line of watchtowers built by the Arabs during the IX and X centuries. From the same time and also easy to visit by bicycle, there is another line of Arab watchmen in Toledo. Itinerary starts at Talamanca del...
Der Wachturm von Segurilla

Die arabischen Wachtürme von Toledo

This is a weekend, circular route, short and easy for moderate cyclists, that goes along the Talavera Lands through a line of watchtowers built by the Arabs in the 10th century. These watchtowers, contemporaneous with those of Madrid, had to control of the Tagus Valley in the Islamic...