To the Ekoetxeak of the Basque Country by bike

Specific place: 
Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa: Meatzealdea, Urdaibai, Azpeitia and Txingudi.
IBP Index: 
Group min/máx: 
4-8 people
The bay of Txingudi from Plaiaundi. Author: JLPC / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

The bay of Txingudi from Plaiaundi. Author: JLPC / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

These are four easy routes, to be done with your family, visiting the EKOETXEA network of environmental education centers, made up of four centers, two in Bizkaia: Ekoetxea Meatzaldea and Ekoetxea Urdaibai; and two others in Gipuzkoa: Ekoetxea Azpeitia and Ekoetxea Txingudi.

Its mission is to encourage and promote both the conservation and improvement of the environment, as well as active and responsible citizen participation in environmental matters. They offer a wide variety of children's activities, contributing to the enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the environment. Leave the car, get on the train with your bike and your family and get to know four beautiful natural spaces.

Hondarribia is part of the network of Medieval Cities and Villas. Since 2006 the Suspension Bridge is a World Heritage Site; Since 2014, Bilbao is a UNESCO Creative City of Design, and since 1984, Urdaibai is a Biosphere Reserve.

The Mundaka-Guernika and Txingudi estuaries are wetlands protected by the RAMSAR Convention, in addition to being classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance) and also as SPA (Special Protection Area) within the Natura 2000 network.

Scheduled itinerary: 

Ekoetxea Meatzaldea (La Arboleda, 2 days, 34 km): Transportation to the Trapaga Valley. Larreineta Funicular - La Arboleda (fountain) - local road (fountain - Ekoetxea Meatzaldea - local road - greenway of the Iron Mountains (fountains) - Gallarta (fountain) - bidegorris (fountain) - urban area - Portugalete - bridge. Available accommodation in La Arboleda. Possible transport to Bilbo.

Ekoetxea Urdaibai (Busturia, 2 days, 5 km): Transport to Busturia. San Kristobal-Busturia train station (fountain) - local roads - Ekoetxea Urdaibai - local roads - Itsasbegi train station. Available accommodation in Murueta. Possible transport to Bilbo.

Ekoetxea Azpeitia (Azpeitia, 2 days, 40 km): Transportation to Zumaia. Zumaia train station (fountains) - bidegorri - N-634 - GI-631 - Iraeta - Urola greenway - Zestoa - Urola greenway - Azpeitia (fountains) - Ekoetxea Azpeitia. Available accommodation in Azpeitia. Possible transport to Bilbo or Donostia.

Ekoetxea Txingudi (Irun, 1 day, 8 km): Transportation to Irun. Irun train station - urban area - Ekoetxea Txingudi (fountain) - urban area - local roads - tracks (fountain) - local roads (fountains) - Belaskoenea-Irun train station. Transportation back home.


For reservation you should either call previously by phone to Josetxu (+34 644299532) or send us an email to, to verify that there are still free places. We will send you a booking form and instructions for payment at that time.


Last update: 

(Final price may vary depending on the availability of accommodation and the update of rates of the different providers.)

Check prices for guided tours (Minimum group: 4 people)
Self-guided route: 
10,00 €
20,00 €

Different route types are explained in General conditions.
