Las Loras

Specific place: 
Palencia and Burgos: Aguilar de Campoo - Revilla de Pomar - Sargentes de la Lora - Covanera - La Nuez de Arriba - Fuencaliente de Lucio - Aguilar de Campoo
IBP Index: 
Group min/máx: 
4-8 people


This is a 6-days, circular route, for intermediate cyclists, who want to enjoy one of the beautiful Geoparks of our geography.

Around here were Celts, Romans, Visigoths, Arabs ... and before the rocks, the waterfalls, the folds, the gorges. Everything revolves around this powerful landscape. Las Loras, with its huge calcareous moles separated by spectacular river canyons. The kingdoms of Alto Ebro, Rudrón and Pisuerga hide a rich natural and cultural heritage that are intertwined by an extraordinary rural community.

Las Loras is a Geopark.

This route runs through Covalagua, the Natural Park of Hoces del Alto Ebro y Rudrón, and Las Tuerces, sites classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); and the Natural Park of Hoces del Alto Ebro y Rudrón is as well an area protected as SPA (Special Protection Area) in the Natura 2000 network.


Scheduled itinerary: 

Day 1.- Transportation to Aguilar de Campoo. Ride from Aguilar to Revilla de Pomar (25 km). Visits to the rock hermitage of San Martín of Villaren de Valdivia, and to the Natural Landscape of Covalagua. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Revilla to Sargentes de la Lora (34 km). Visits to the Dolmen de la Cabaña, and the Oil Museum of Sargentes. Lodging.
Day 3.- Ride from Sargentes to Covanera (33 km), by the Natural Park of Hoces del Alto Ebro y Rudrón. Visits to the oil field of Ayoluengo, and the Rudrón river canyon. Lodging.
Day 4.- Ride from Covanera to La Nuez de Arriba (30 km). Visit to the pozo azul of Covanera. Lodging.
Day 5.- Ride from La Nuez to Fuencaliente de Lucio (56 km). Visits to the fortress of Urbel del Castillo, and the waterfall of Yeguamea of Fuenteodra. Lodging.
Day 6.- Ride from Fuencaliente to Aguilar de Campoo (36 km). Visits to the Natural Landscape of Las Tuerces, the rock hermitage of San Pelayo of Villacibio, the rock church of Olleros de Pisuerga, and the celtiberic fort of monte Cildá. Farewell lunch. Transportation back home.

Rock-cut church, in Olleros de Pisuerga Rock-cut church, in Olleros de Pisuerga
Old oil fields Old oil fields
 Canto Hito menhir Canto Hito menhir
More information in the blog (Spanish only): 
Recommended reading: 

For reservation you should either call previously by phone to Josetxu (+34 644299532) or send us an email to, to verify that there are still free places. We will send you a booking form and instructions for payment at that time.


Last update: 

(Final price may vary depending on the availability of accommodation and the update of rates of the different providers.)

Guided route: 
740,00 €
(Minimum group: 4 people)
Self-guided route: 
60,00 €
Customized route: 
415,00 €

Different route types are explained in General conditions.
