Wine and olive oil of Madrid

Lieu spécifique: 
Madrid: Arganda del Rey - Morata de Tajuña - Ciempozuelos
IBP Index: 
Groupe min/max: 
4-8 people
Tajuña meadows

Tajuña meadows

This is a 2-days, gastronomic route, very easy, for beginners and also adaptable to families, that runs along the valley of the Tajuña river.

Our goal is to learn about its production of wine and olive oil. On the first day and thanks to our friends of Pincelada Winery, in Morata de Tajuna, we will taste its organic wines, and visit their facilities and vineyards. On the second day we will visit the oil mill in Perales de Tajuña to get a closer eye on the process of oil production. We will ride on the greenway of the river Tajuña and unpaved rodas by the banks of the river, and will take public transportation to get there and come back.

This route runs through Meadows, uphills and paramos of southeast Madrid, sites classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); and also by Cliffs and precipices of the Manzanares and Jarama rivers, areas protected as SPA (Special Protection Area) in the Natura 2000 network.

Itinéraire prévu: 

Day 1.- Transportation to Arganda del Rey. Ride from Arganda to Morata de Tajuña (25 km), by the greenway of the river Tajuña. Visit to Pincelada Winery in Morata de Tajuña, and the vineyards in the meadows of the river. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Morata to Ciempozuelos (45 km). Visit to the oil mill of Perales de Tajuña and the San Juan lagoon. Transportation back home.

Optional: ADAPTABLE itinerary for FAMILIES.

The greenway of the river Tajuña The greenway of the river Tajuña
Facilities Facilities
San Juan lagoon in winter San Juan lagoon in winter
Plus d'informations sur le blog (seulement espagnol): 
Lecture recommandée: 

El Aceite de Oliva. Un Producto de Calidad. General Directorate of Public Health and Food, CAM.


Pour réserver, vous devez soit téléphoner à Josetxu (+34 644 299 532), soit nous envoyer un mail, pour vérifier qu'il reste des places libres. Nous vous enverrons un formulaire et les instructions de paiement par retour de mail.


Dernière mise à jour: 

(Le prix final peut varier en fonction de la disponibilité de l'hébergement et de la mise à jour des tarifs des différents prestataires.)

Circuit guidé: 
205,00 €
(Groupe minimum: 4 personnes)
Circuit autoguidé: 
20,00 €
Itinéraire personnalisé : 
105,00 €

Les différents formats des circuits sont détaillés dans les Conditions générales.
