The mountains of Toledo

Lieu spécifique: 
Toledo and Cáceres: Toledo - Orgaz - San Pablo de los Montes - Los Navalucillos - Gargantilla - Alía - Herguijuela - Montánchez - Cáceres
IBP Index: 
Groupe min/max: 
4-8 people
The mountains of Toledo

The mountains of Toledo

This is a linear route, 9 days of pedaling, for advanced cyclists, that runs through the Mountains of Toledo between two World Heritage Cities, such as Toledo and Cáceres.

The Montes de Toledo are a mountainous formation that separates the Tagus basin from that of the Guadiana. Along local tracks and roads, we basically go through the foothills of the northern slope, to then enter the Sierras de Guadalupe and Montánchez before descending to Cáceres. We go through forests and gorges, visiting some remote villages and getting to know the Cabañeros National Park.

The region of Villuercas-Ibores-Jara is a Geopark, and Los Barruecos is a Natural Monument.

Since 1986 the Historic City of Toledo, and the old city of Cáceres; and since 1993 the Royal Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe have been a World Heritage Site.

In addition, we remind you that Cáceres was the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2015 and Toledo was the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2016.

This route runs through the Mountains of Toledo, the rivers of the middle Guadiana basin and slopes, the Sierra de las Villuercas and the Guadarranque Valley, and the Almonte River, spaces classified as both SCI (Site of Community Importance) and SPA (Special Protection Area for Birds) within the Natura 2000 network.

Itinéraire prévu: 
Day 1.- Transportation to Toledo. Ride from Toledo to Orgaz (55 km). Visit to the castle of Orgaz. Lodging at Posada de la Cal.
Day 2.- Ride from Orgaz to San Pablo de los Montes (54 km). Visit to the Visigothic Art Museum of Arisgotas. Lodging.
Day 3.- Ride from San Pablo to Los Navalucillos (63 km). Visit to the archeological site of Malamoneda. Lodging at Casa Rural Valle del Chorro.
Day 4.- Ride from Los Navalucillos to Gargantilla (57 km), crossing the Cabañeros National Park by the Pedralba Pass. Lodging.
Day 5.- Ride from Gargantilla to Alía (45 km), by the greenway of the Rockrouses and the Natural Trail of Villuercas. Visit to the Joaquín Araujo Interpretation Center in Alía. Lodging
Day 6.- Ride from Alía to Cañamero (33 km). Visit to the monastery  of Guadalupe. Lodging.
Day 7.- Ride from Cañamero to Herguijuela (52 km). Lodging.
Day 8.- Ride from Herguijuela to Montánchez (47 km). Visits to the Nuestra Señora de la Jara Sanctuary  of Ibahernando, and the castle of Montánchez. Lodging.
Day 9.- Ride from Montánchez to Cáceres (67 km). Visit to Los Barruecos Natural Monument. Transportation back home.
The arch of Belen in Orgaz The arch of Belen in Orgaz
Necropolis of Malamoneda Necropolis of Malamoneda
Meadows blooming Meadows blooming

Pour réserver, vous devez soit téléphoner à Josetxu (+34 644 299 532), soit nous envoyer un mail, pour vérifier qu'il reste des places libres. Nous vous enverrons un formulaire et les instructions de paiement par retour de mail.


Dernière mise à jour: 

(Le prix final peut varier en fonction de la disponibilité de l'hébergement et de la mise à jour des tarifs des différents prestataires.)

Circuit guidé: 
1 015,00 €
(Groupe minimum: 4 personnes)
Circuit autoguidé: 
79,00 €
Itinéraire personnalisé : 
570,00 €

Les différents formats des circuits sont détaillés dans les Conditions générales.
