The route of don Quixote on bicycle

Lieu spécifique: 
Toledo, Cuenca, Albacete and Ciudad Real: Toledo - Tembleque - Campo de Criptana - Belmonte - S.Clemente - Villarrobledo - Ossa de Montiel - Villanueva de los Infantes - Sta. Cruz de Mudela - Almagro - Carrión de Calatrava - Puerto Lápice - Orgaz - Toledo
IBP Index: 
Groupe min/max: 
4-8 people
Windmills of Campo de Criptana

Windmills of Campo de Criptana

This is a 2-weeks, circular route, for intermediate cyclists, that roughly follows the route of don Quixote, an ex-European Cultural Route across La Mancha, a region characterized by its cultural and environmental value.

The route starts in the ancient city of Toledo, and crosses plains to reach the Montes de Toledo, and the Sierra Morena foothills, discovering beautiful windmills, main squares, castles and popular architecture, as well as the environmental wealth provided by wetlands and lagoons to the whole area. A long list of places of interest with surprisingly enjoyable sections, and others that push us to cope with the steppes as best as we can. This route helps us discover this unknown destination for cycling.

Since 1986 the Historic City of Toledo is a World Heritage Site, and since 1980 the Mancha Húmeda is a Biosphere Reserve.

Almagro and Villanueva de los Infantes are members of the net the most beautiful towns of SpainBelmonte is part of the network of the magical towns of Spain, and Consuegra is a member of the net Medieval Cities and Villages.

In addition, we remind you that Toledo was the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2016.

The Tablas de Daimiel National Park is a protected wetland according to the RAMSAR Convention, as well as being listed as SCI. Moreover this route runs through La Mancha wetlands, and the Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park, sites classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); the La Mancha wetlands, and the Tablas de Daimiel National Park, areas protected as SPA (Special Protection Area) in the Natura 2000 network.

Itinéraire prévu: 
Day 1.- Transportation to Toledo. Ride from Toledo to Tembleque (67 km). Visits to the Olive oil Museum of Mora, and the main square of Tembleque. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Tembleque to Campo de Criptana (63 km). Visit to the lagoons of Villacañas and Quero, and the windmills of Campo de Criptana. Lodging.
Day 3.- Ride from Campo de Criptana to Belmonte (48 km). Visit to the House of Dulcinea of El Toboso, and the castle of Belmonte. Lodging.
Day 4.- Ride from Belmonte to San Clemente (60 km). Visit the centennial oak of El Cabalgaor, and the dovecoat of the sanctuary of the Lady of Rus. Lodging.
Day 5.- Resting day. Visit to the historical center of San Clemente. Lodging.
Day 6.- Ride from San Clemente to Villarrobledo (28 km). Visit to the Visitors Center of the Earthenware Jars of Villarrobledo. Lodging.
Day 7.- Ride from Villarrobledo to Ossa de Montiel (48 km). Lodging.
Day 8.- Ride from Ossa de Montiel to Villanueva de los Infantes (63 km), by the Natural Park of Ruidera Lakes. Visit to the historical organ of Villanueva, and the historical center of Villanueva de los Infantes. Lodging.
Day 9.- Ride from Villanueva to Santa Cruz de Mudela (71 km). Visit to the square bullfighting arena of Las Virtudes. Lodging.
Day 10.- Ride from Santa Cruz to Almagro (50 km). Visit to the archeological sites of Oretum and la Encantada, of Granátula de Calatrava. Lodging.
Day 11.- Resting day. Visit to the old comedy theater of Almagro. Lodging.
Day 12.- Ride from Almagro to Carrión de Calatrava (65 km). Visit to the Archeological Park of Alarcos of Alarcos. Lodging.
Day 13.- Ride from Carrión to Puerto Lápice (55 km), by the Tablas de Daimiel National Park. Visit to the castle of Calatrava la Vieja. Lodging.
Day 14.- Ride from Puerto Lápice to Orgaz (58 km). Visit to the historical center of Consuegra, and the castle of Manzaneque. Farewell dinner. Lodging.
Day 15.- Ride from Orgaz to Toledo (40 km). Visit to the castle of Orgaz. Transportation back home.
Storks in the National Park Tablas de Daimiel Storks in the National Park Tablas de Daimiel
Don Quijote Inn in Puerto Lápice Don Quijote Inn in Puerto Lápice
Main square of Almagro Main square of Almagro

Pour réserver, vous devez soit téléphoner à Josetxu (+34 644 299 532), soit nous envoyer un mail, pour vérifier qu'il reste des places libres. Nous vous enverrons un formulaire et les instructions de paiement par retour de mail.


Dernière mise à jour: 

(Le prix final peut varier en fonction de la disponibilité de l'hébergement et de la mise à jour des tarifs des différents prestataires.)

Circuit guidé: 
1 825,00 €
(Groupe minimum: 4 personnes)
Circuit autoguidé: 
143,00 €
Itinéraire personnalisé : 
1110,00 €

Les différents formats des circuits sont détaillés dans les Conditions générales.
