The regional park of the Southeast of Madrid

Specific place: 
Madrid: Madrid - San Martín de la Vega - Ciempozuelos - Madrid
IBP Index: 
Where the Manzanares and Jarama rivers meet

Where the Manzanares and Jarama rivers meet

This is a one-day, linear route for cyclists who want to know the final course of the Manzanares River, where it joins the Jarama River, and a few kilometers from its characteristic cliffs of gypsum and fluvial groves, which form the regional park of the Southeast of Madrid. Leaving from the same square in Legazpi, we connect all the cycle paths that take us to the King´s dam, to continue through the Jarama meadows to Ciempozuelos, from where we can take the train back to the capital.

This route runs through the Vegas, slopes and moors in the southeast of Madrid, spaces classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); in addition to the Cuts and cliffs of the Manzanares and Jarama rivers, protected areas such as as SPA (Special Protection Area) within the Natura 2000 network.

Scheduled itinerary: 

Madrid (44 km): Madrid - Pza. Legazpi square - Madrid Río - Manzanares Lineal Park - dirt roads - landslide (push) - dirt roads - King´s dam - local road - M-301 (bike lane) - San Martín de la Vega - dirt roads - Royal ditch of Jarama - M-307 - Ciempozuelos - train station


For reservation you should either call previously by phone to Josetxu (+34 644299532) or send us an email to, to verify that there are still free places. We will send you a booking form and instructions for payment at that time.


Last update: 

(Final price may vary depending on the availability of accommodation and the update of rates of the different providers.)

Check prices for guided tours (Minimum group: 4 people)
Self-guided route: 
11,00 €

Different route types are explained in General conditions.
