Pincelada wines

Specific place: 
Madrid: Madrid - Arganda del Rey - Morata de Tajuña - Ciempozuelos - Madrid
IBP Index: 
Pincelada cask and grapewines

Pincelada cask and grapewines

This is a one-day, very easy route, for initiated cyclists. We propose you to spend a day visiting an ecological wine cellar nearby Madrid.

Taking the subway we get out in Arganda del Rey and take the greenway of the river Tajuña up to Morata de Tajuña. Here we will visit the facilities of Pincelada Winery, that has been producing ecological wines for more than 16 years. After lunch we will ride on the fertile meadows of the Tajuña river to better know its vineyards and finally reach the train station of Ciempozuelos to get back home.

This route runs through Vegas, slopes and moors in the southest of Madrid, sites classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); and also by Cuts and cliffs of the Manzanares and Jarama rivers, areas protected as SPA (Special Protection Area) in the Natura 2000 network.

Scheduled itinerary: 

Arganda del Rey - Morata de Tajuña - Ciempozuelos (43 km): Madrid - Metro - Arganda del Rey - greenway of the river Tajuña - Morata de Tajuña - Pincelada Winery - Tajuña valley - Titulcia - Ciempozuelos - train - Madrid

Optional: ADAPTABLE itinerary for FAMILIES.


For reservation you should either call previously by phone to Josetxu (+34 644299532) or send us an email to, to verify that there are still free places. We will send you a booking form and instructions for payment at that time.


Last update: 

(Final price may vary depending on the availability of accommodation and the update of rates of the different providers.)

Check prices for guided tours (Minimum group: 4 people)
Self-guided route: 
10,00 €

Different route types are explained in General conditions.
