
Es gibt 5 Elemente


Unterwegs auf dem Fahrrad möchten wir unsere wunderbare Küche genießen und die Menschen, die unser Essen herstellen, besser kennenlernen. Wir laden Euch ein, mit uns zu Weinkellern zu kommen, zu traditionellen Restaurants, zu Weinpressen, Ölpressen, ökologischen Erzeugern…. Zuerst möchten wir in die Pedale treten und danach die Speisen und Weine genießen, die diese Regionen berühmt gemacht haben. Auf dem Rad zum Tisch!

Weinberge von La Rioja Alavesa

Die Wein- und Fischroute

This is a linear route, of 4 days of pedaling, for advanced cyclists, which begins in Logroño, the capital of La Rioja, and ends in the port of Bermeo, on the Basque coast. We broadly follow the GR-38, the wine and fish route, which recalls the...
Segovia und die Guadarrama Berge

Segovian Delikatessen

This is a 3-days long, circular route, for moderate cyclists, with smooth profiles and middle distances, and some km by sandy trails. But its main attraction is the food, and in particular three typical dishes from Segovia: 'parro' or...

Käse und Honig von den Picos de Europa

Here you have our first 'gastronomic' tour. This is a demanding, four-day ride, circular route, for advanced cyclists. Daily distances are short, but we face hard climbs both on dirty or paved roads, even we have a short ride on a...
Die berühmte Torta

Käse aus Casar de Caceres

This is a one-days, gastronomy, very easy route for families and beginners. This time we go to Extremadura, to Casar de Cáceres, famous for its cheeses, and especially his famous torta. The route follows the Silver Way and gets back by...
Tajuña Wiesen

Wein und Öl aus Madrid

This is a 2-days, gastronomic route, very easy, for beginners and also adaptable to families, that runs along the valley of the Tajuña river. Our goal is to learn about its production of wine and olive oil. On the first day and thanks to...