This is a weekend, linear route, for used cyclists, that follows the line of watchtowers built by the Arabs during the IX and X centuries. From the same time and also easy to visit by bicycle, there is another line of Arab watchmen in Toledo.
Itinerary starts at Talamanca del Jarama, where we visit the remains of the fortress to where came the warnings from the five watchtowers of El Berrueco, Arrebatacapas, Venturada, El Vellón and El Molar. Therefore we will visit all them in that order, spending a night at Torrelaguna.
This route runs through Guadalix river basin, a site classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance) in the Natura 2000 network.
Day 1.- Transportation to Talamanca del Jarama. Ride from Talamanca to Torrelaguna (50 km). Visit to the historical center of Talamanca, and the watchtowers of El Berrueco and Arrebatacapas. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Torrelaguna to Tres Cantos (57 km), by the Guadalix river basin. Visit to the watchtowers of Venturada, El Vellón and El Molar. Transportation back home.
Eingeschlossen / Nicht Eingeschlossen
A useful pdf:¡Ah del castillo! Fortificaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid, Ed. Consejería de Cultura y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid.
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