This is a linear, simple route for beginner cyclists who want to explore with the family the Cabarrús canal, that irrigated the Jarama meadows for almost half a century.
This canal linked the basins of the Lozoya and Jarama rivers, irrigating the municipalities of Torrelaguna, Torremocha de Jarama and Patones. It was almost 13 km long, from the Pontón de la Oliva dam to Torrelaguna, as well as 6 stone bridges, 3 aqueducts, an irrigation ditch and 8 guard houses for canal guards. Finally, a large trade house was erected, which was used as seasonal housing. Its construction extended throughout the last 24 years of the 18th century, and already in 1822 it stopped serving irrigated farms that returned to traditional rainfed crops.
Patones - Cabarrús canal km 0 - Santa María de la Cabeza hermitage - Cabarrús canal km 8 - local road - Torremocha del Jarama
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A good guide in pdf: Las Rutas del Agua: Patones, Torrelaguna y Torremocha de Jarama
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