Integral ride of Gredos

Lieu spécifique: 
Ávila, Cáceres, Salamanca and Madrid: El Tiemblo - Casillas - Gavilanes - Guisando - Cuacos de Yuste - Cabezuela del Valle - Hervás - Becedas - Nava del Barco - Navarredonda de Gredos - Navaluenga - San Martín de Valdeiglesias
IBP Index: 
Groupe min/max: 
4-8 people
Tremedal pass

Tremedal pass

Two one-week rides, first by the southern slope and later by the northern one, to circle the emblematic sierra de Gredos.

We start at the eastern end, from the village El Tiemblo, to get height and pedal alongthe southern slopes of the Valley of Tietar, the basin of the Cinco Villas, the comarca de La Vera, the Jerte valley, and eventually reach Hervás, our destiny in the Ambroz valley. After a day of rest in Hervás, we go up the northern slopes, rising to Candelario we turn to the lands of Béjar, the Aravalle, and already within the Regional Park of the Sierra de Gredos, roll on the watershed of the Tormes river to the pass el Pico. Almost always following the GR-10 trail, we ride along the valley of the Alberche river, El Burguillo reservoir, and after passing by El Tiemblo again, finish in San Martín de Valdeiglesias.

Candelario is member of the net the most beautiful towns of Spain.

El Tiemblo, Mombeltran and Cabezuela del Valle are part of the network of the magical towns of Spain.

This route runs through Cerro de Guisando, Monastery of Yuste, Jerte valley, Sierra de Candelario, and Sierra de Gredos Regional Park, sites classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); also Cerro de Guisando, Sierra de Candelario, and Sierra de Gredos are areas protected as SPA (Special Protection Area) in the Natura 2000 network.

Itinéraire prévu: 

Day 1.- Transportation to El Tiemblo. Ride up to Casillas (20 km), by the Cerro de Guisando. Visit to the centennial chesnut forest of the Ivy valley. Lodging at Hospedería de la Tía María.
Day 2.- Ride from Casillas to Gavilanes (50 km). Lodging.
Day 3.- Ride from Gavilanes to Guisando (55 km), by the Sierra de Gredos Regional Park. Visit to the castle of Mombeltrán. Lodging.
Day 4.- Ride from Guisando to Granja de Yuste (75 km), by the Sierra de Gredos Regional Park, and the canal road of the Rosarito reservoir. Visit to the Jews House of Candeleda. Lodging at La Granja de Yuste.
Day 5.- Ride from Granja de Yuste a Cabezuela del Valle (46 km), by the Jerte valley. Visit to the Monastery of Yuste. Climb up the Piornal pass. Lodging.
Day 6.- Ride from Cabezuela del Valle to Hervás (36 km), by the Jerte valley. Visit to the Museum of the Cherry. Climb up the Honduras pass. Farewell dinner. Lodging.
Day 7- Restday in Hervás, visits to the Jewish neighborhood, museum, Railway House… Lodging or transportation back home.

Day 1.- Transportation to Hervás. Ride from Hervás to Becedas (38 km), by the Sierra de Candelario. Ascension to la Hoya pass. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Becedas to Nava del Barco (37 km), by the Sierra de Gredos Regional Park. Ascension to both the Tremedal and Umbría passes. Lodging.
Day 3.- Ride from Nava del Barco to Navarredonda de Gredos (44 km), by the Sierra de Gredos Regional Park. Lodging.
Day 4.- Ride from Navarredonda de Gredos to Navaluenga (62 km), by the Sierra de Gredos Regional Park. Ascension to El Pico pass. Lodging at the Albergue Sierra de Gredos.
Day 5.- Ride from Navaluenga to San Martín de Valdeiglesias (36 km). Visit to the earthenware jar ovens of El Tiemblo. Farewell lunch. Transportation back home.

Honduras pass Honduras pass
Snow close to Candelario Snow close to Candelario
The summits of the Gredos cirque The summits of the Gredos cirque
Plus des routes dans la région: 
Lecture recommandée: 

La Sierra de Gredos, by Aurelio Delgado Sánchez.


Pour réserver, vous devez soit téléphoner à Josetxu (+34 644 299 532), soit nous envoyer un mail, pour vérifier qu'il reste des places libres. Nous vous enverrons un formulaire et les instructions de paiement par retour de mail.


Dernière mise à jour: 

(Le prix final peut varier en fonction de la disponibilité de l'hébergement et de la mise à jour des tarifs des différents prestataires.)

Circuit guidé: 
1 325,00 €
(Groupe minimum: 4 personnes)
Circuit autoguidé: 
122,00 €
Itinéraire personnalisé : 
770,00 €

Les différents formats des circuits sont détaillés dans les Conditions générales.
