
Es gibt 5 Elemente
Denkmäler und Gebäude sind unsere Ziele ... (Plaza de España; Autor: Eric Titcombe; Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic-Lizenz)

Paleourban mit dem Fahrrad durch Madrid

This is a half-day, circular route for beginner cyclists who want to take a bike ride through the center of Madrid and discover a few fossils visible in its monuments and buildings. A good route to get to know the Paleourbana initiative, and also...
Aleppokiefer von La Rosaleda

Die Baumdenkmals von El Retiro in Madrid

This is an easy, half-day, circular route for beginners, which runs through the famous Retiro Park in Madrid, visiting its most veteran trees. In addition, we will get to know some of its most emblematic corners such as the Cristal Palace...
Sonnenuntergang aus dem Park der 7 Titten

Sonnenuntergang aus dem Park der 7 Titten

This is a half-day, linear, easy route, for initiated, that starts at the Toledo bridge, and runs through the bike lanes of Madrid Rio, then the cyclist ring and then more bike lanes at Vallecas quarter. Finally we reach the Uncle Pío...
Radfahren zwischen Mandelbäumen blühen

Die Quinta de Los Molinos

This is a round half-day route, easy, for beginners, that starts at Atocha square, and runs through parks and bike lanes to reach the unknown Mills farm. We cross the Retiro and Fuente del Berro parks, pedal the bike lanes of the O'...
Blick vom Cerro Garabitas

Berg El Pardo

This is an easy, half-day, circular route, for those who want to have a nice ride in Madrid. It starts at the Toledo bridge, and runs through trails along the Manzanares riverside, up to El Pardo village. We will visit the church of San...