This is a linear route, lasting 3 days of cycling and one more day of transport, for intermediate cyclists who want to explore the lands of the Alcarria following the route taken by Tomás de Iriarte in 1781.
This famous humanist of the Enlightenment made his own Journey to Alcarria, from Madrid to Gascueña, to rest from his gout. A year after this trip, he published his well-known Literary Fables, where he slips in a delicate memory of the lands of Alcarria. Then almost 200 more years passed before these lands were immortalized in the novel by Camilo José Cela.
Buendía is part of the network of the magical villages of Spain.
Since 1998, the University and Historic Precinct of Alcalá de Henares is a World Heritage Site.
This route runs through the Jarama and Henares river basins, the gypsum slopes of Tendilla, the Altomira mountain range, and the gypsum steppes of La Alcarria of Cuenca, spaces catalogued as SCI (Site of Community Importance) and protected areas such as SPA (Special Protection Area) in the Natura 2000 network.
Day 1.- Transport to Alcalá de Henares. Ride from Alcalá to Tendilla (47 km), through the Parque forestal Los Cerros forest park and the Portillo de Anchuelo (732 m), the Jarama and Henares river basins, and the gypsum slopes of Tendilla. Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Tendilla to Buendía (47 km), through the Altomira mountain range. Visits to the ruins of la Salceda convent of Tendilla, the medieval bridge of Auñón, the hermitage of San Andrés of Santa María de Poyos and the walls, the museum of the carriage, the drugstore, or the route of the faces of Buendía. Lodging.
Day 3.- Ride from Buendía to Huete (58 km), through the gypsum steppes of La Alcarria of Cuenca. Visits to the castle of Plieguezuelos of Gascueña, the Roman mine of lapis specularis in Saceda del Río, and the historic centre of Huete. Lodging.
Day 4.- Transport back home.
Eingeschlossen / Nicht Eingeschlossen
Dos viajes por España. José Viera y Clavijo - Tomás de Iriarte, von Alejandro Cioranescu.
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(Der Endpreis kann je nach Verfügbarkeit der Unterkunft und Aktualisierung der Preise der verschiedenen Anbieter variieren.)
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