To the CEA of Madrid with the family and by bike

Genauer Ort: 
Madrid: San Fernando de Henares - Torrejón de Ardoz
IBP Index: 
Gruppe mind./max.: 
4-8 people
CEA El Águila, in Chapineria

CEA El Águila, in Chapineria

These are four easy routes, three are for beginners and one for moderate cyclists, to ride with the family, that visit different environmental education centers in the Community of Madrid, of which we have chosen four: CEA El Águila (Chapineria), CEA El Cuadrón (El Cuadrón), CEA El Campillo (Rivas-Vaciamadrid), and the CEA Caserío de Henares (San Fernando de Henares). Its mission is to encourage and promote both the conservation and improvement of the environment, as well as active and responsible citizen participation in environmental matters. They offer a wide variety of children's activities, contributing to the enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the environment. Leave the car, get on public transport with your bike and your family and enjoy four good plans, for a weekend or one day.

This route runs through the basins and holm oaks of the Alberche and Cofio rivers, or the Cortados and cliffs of the Jarama and Manzanares rivers, spaces classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); and / or protected areas such as SPA (Special Protection Area) within the Natura 2000 Network.

Vorgesehene Reiseroute: 

CEA El Águila (Chapinería, 2 days, 14 km): Transportation to Colmenar del Arroyo. Colmenar del Arroyo - tracks - Valquigoso development - tracks - M-510 - junction M-501 - Chapinería - CEA El Águila - M-854 - tracks - M-510 - Aldea del Fresno. Accommodation available in Chapinería. Transportation back home.

CEA El Cuadrón (El Cuadrón, 2 days, 24 km): Transportation to Buitrago de Lozoya. Buitrago del Lozoya - Peñalta street - livestock track - crossing road riosequillo dam - Segovian royal road - El Cuadrón - CEA El Cuadrón - Garganta trail - junction M-604 - Garganta trail - Garganta del Monte - Garganta trail - M-604 junction - tracks - Segovia royal road - cattle track - street Peñalta - Buitrago del Lozoya. Accommodation available in Garganta del Monte. Transportation back home.

CEA El Campillo (Rivas-Vaciamadrid, 1 day, 8 km): Transportation to Rivas-Vaciamadrid. Rivas-Vaciamadrid metro station - streets - Laguna de Campillo - CEA El Campillo - Laguna de Campillo - Arganda bridge - street - Rivas-Vaciamadrid metro station. Transportation back home.

CEA Caserío de Henares (San Fernando de Henares, 1 day, 17 km): Transportation to San Fernando de Henares. San Fernando de Henares train station - Jarama park trail - municipal sports center - urban area - Paseo de los Chopos - trails - Jarama river crossing + M-50 - trails - tracks - CEA Caserío de Henares - tracks - Aldovea palace - trails - urban area - bike lane - Torrejón de Ardoz train station. Transportation back home.


Zur Bestätigung der Reservierung bitte Josetxu anrufen (+34 644 299 532) oder eine Mail an schicken, um zu prüfen, ob noch freie Plätze vorhanden sind. Wir schicken Euch daraufhin ein Reservierungsformular und die Zahlungsanweisungen.


Letzte Aktualisierung: 

(Der Endpreis kann je nach Verfügbarkeit der Unterkunft und Aktualisierung der Preise der verschiedenen Anbieter variieren.)

Geführte Route: 
75,00 €
(Mindestgruppe: 4 Personen)
Selbstgeführte Tour : 
10,00 €
Benutzerdefinierte Route : 
40,00 €

Die verschiedenen Formate der Touren werden in Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Für Die Reisen.
