This is linear, 5-days route for intermediate cyclists, and above all, for lovers of the Roman culture, because it runs on bike the GR-163, or Route of the Crystal of Hispania.
The itinerary goes all along dirty roads in better or worse condition, within a landscape first 'alcarreño' and then 'manchego'. With this route we extend our offert of historical routes on bicycle, and in this case we will explore the remains of Roman cities as Ercavica and Segobriga, as well as the mines of lapis specularis, or 'espejillo', a form of gypsum crystal that prompted a flourishing industry in this region during 1st and 2nd centuries.
This route runs through the Lagoon El Hito, and the gypsum steppes of the Alcarria conquense, sites classified as SCI (Site of Community Importance); also the Lagoon El Hito is an area protected as SPA (Special Protection Area) in the Natura 2000 network.
Day 1.- Transportation to Sacedón. Ride to Alcocer (16 km). Lodging.
Day 2.- Ride from Alcocer to Huete (55 km), by the gypsum steppes of the Alcarria conquense. Visit to the Roman city of Ercávica. Lodging at Casa Palacio Conde de Garcinarro.
Day 3.- Ride from Huete to Saelices (58 km), by the gypsum steppes of the Alcarria conquense. Visit to the lapis specularis mine of the Enchanted Moor woman, in Torrejoncillo del Rey. Lodging.
Day 4.- Ride from Saelices to Villar de la Encina (57 km), by the Lagoon El Hito. Visit to the Roman city of Segóbriga. Lodging.
Day 5.- Ride from Villar to San Clemente (35 km). Transportation back home.
Eingeschlossen / Nicht Eingeschlossen
A good dossier: LAPIS SPECULARIS EL CRISTAL DEL IMPERIO, Memoria magazine, nº2, 2006.
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