
Es gibt 98 Elemente
Der Tajuña Greenway in Ambite

Die Greenways der SO von Madrid

This is an easy, circular, weekend route for beginners, that starts and finishes at the Arganda del Rey metro station, and runs along the greenway of Tajuña river and 40-days greenway to reach Brea de Tajo, where we spend the night. On...
Der Palast der Marquisen von Legarda in Ambite

Östliches Madrid

This is a linear, weekend route for the intermediate cyclists, that starts at the Arganda del Rey metro station and runs through the greenway of the Valley of the Tajuña, finally ascending to the Alcarrian landscape, steppes dotted with oaks and...
Entlang der Wiesen, im Hintergrund der Valmayor-Damm

Der Guadarrama Fluss

Starting from Collado Villalba train station we travel more than 70 km through the Regional Park of the Middle Guadarrama River, to end at Serranillos del Valle, and from there get again the train in Humanes. On first day we...
Der Guadarrama Greenway

Der Fluss Alberche

This is an easy, linear, weekend route for initiated, that starts at the Robledo de Chavela train station, and follows by an ecological trail that crosses the mountain range of Cuerda de la Parada and ends at the dam of San Juan reservoir...
Zugarramurdis Höhle. Bild mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Marco Ordiñana.

Die Route der Hexerei

This is a 4-days, circular route, for moderate cyclists, that runs through the beautiful mountains and caves of the Navarrese Pyrenees, crossing the scenarios where superstition and fear persecuted women and men accusing them of witchcraft and...
Überquerung des Flusses Berrón

Der Greenway Baskisch-Navarro

This is a weekend route, linear, for initiated cyclists, that runs almost 80 km of the greenway of the Vasco-Navarro train. This train track was the longest electrified narrow gauge railway of the peninsula, linking the core of the Guipuzkoan...
Rollen unter der Brücke von Cortez

Der kaiserliche Kanal von Aragon

This is a weekend, linear route, with two days of easy ride for moderate cyclists, starting in Tudela (Navarre), that runs along the left bank of the Imperial Canal of Aragon, an engineering work of the eighteenth century that irrigated the...
Der Greenway etwas nach dem Tunnel von Uitzi

Der Plazaola Greenway

This is a 2-days linear route, with two more days for transportation, for moderate cyclists, that starts in Pamplona and finishes in San Sebastian. We leave the capital of Navarre to pedal by the valleys of the rivers Arakil and Larraun...
Klippen am Ufer des Tejo

Der Oberlauf des Tajo

This is a linear, 8-day pedaling route for advanced cyclists. Amazing ride between the cities of Teruel and Sigüenza (Guadalajara), crossing one of the highest and most depopulated areas of the country, watershed of numerous rivers that flow into...
Blick auf die Duraton-Schlucht

Die Hoces del Duratón mit dem Fahrrad

This is a 2-days circular route, with an additional day for transportation, moderate, short in distance but rather technical, as we ride on by the riverside trails of the rivers Duratón and San Juan. Two full days to explore the...