2 Tage

Es gibt 51 Elemente
Bei den Vorpyrenäen

Der Carrilet Greenway

This is a 2-days, linear route, for initiates, that runs in a couple of days the almost 100 km of greenway that goes from Olot, and the volcanoes of La Garrotxa, to Sant Feliu de Guíxols, on the Costa Brava. We cross the pre-Pyrenees...
Moncayo Berg

Die Rückkehr nach Moncayo

This is a 2-days, circular route, for advanced cyclists who want to know the enigmatic mountain of Moncayo by bicycle. Symbol and limit of the Celtiberian culture, roof of the Iberian mountain range, natural border of Castile, Navarre and...
Der Gipfel San Pedro von Colmenar Viejo

Der grüne Korridor Montejo de la Sierra - Soto de Viñuelas

This is a demanding, linear route, that takes us in two day's ride from the borderline of highest summits of the community of Madrid, in Montejo de la Sierra, to the outskirts of the capital city, in the forests of the Soto de Viñuelas, just near...
Durch den Tietar Greenway

Die westlichen Berge von Madrid

This is a two-day, circular route that runs through the 'water villages' of Madrid western mountains, between the Alberche and Tiétar rivers. Forested area, with oak, chestnut, pine, juniper, but also home to vineyards and olive groves,...
Muslimische Burgruine auf dem Gipfel des San Vicente

Das San Vicente-Gebirge

This is a 2-days, linear route, of few km but demanding, with strong uphills, for already rolled cyclists, that stars in Navas del Rey, and goes through western Madrid mountains and San Vicente mountain range, to finish in Talavera de la Reina...
La Arboleda und hinter den Triano-Bergen

Die eisernen Berge von Bizkaia

This is a short but demanding route for advanced cyclists, that leads us through the Enkarterri, to learn about the iron mining landscape, so important in this area just a few years ago. Leaving Bilbo, we will arrived by train at...
Die ersten Meter des Kanals

Der königliche Entwässerungskanaln von Jarama

This is a 2-days, very easy route, for initiated cyclists, that runs besides the ancient Royal Canal of the Jarama river. This is a hydraulic work whose construction suffered numerous problems: Initiated by Felipe II in 1562, it will be...
Erste Meter des Kanals

Die königlichen Gräben des Tajo-Tals

This is a weekend, very easy route, for moderate cyclists or families, that runs through irrigation canals and ditches of Aranjuez, that were conceived at the time of Charles I for water supply of the gardens of the Royal sites installed in the...
Mondschein im astronomischen Zentrum von Tiedra (CAT)

Mit dem Fahrrad zu den Sternen - CAT, Tiedra - Valladolid

This is an easy, circular route for initiated cyclists, in which we go to visit a very interesting astronomical observatory in the Castilian plateau, up in the Torozos mountains. We move to Tordesillas in transportation and following...
Datei: P0321a.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Mit dem Fahrrad zu den Sternen - OAS, Segurilla - Toledo

This is a 2-days, easy, moderate, circular route, where we will visit an Astronomical observatory very close to Madrid. We will go to Talavera de la Reina and following local roads and tracks we will get Segurilla and visit the OAS. After...