Tourismus Senior

Es gibt 48 Elemente

Tourismus Senior

Tourismus SENIOR: Aktive Menschen machen nicht so schnell schlapp.

Wir möchten es unseren älteren Mitbürgern leichter machen, weiterhin eine schöne Runde durch die Natur zu drehen. Daher haben wir eine Auswahl an leichten Routen zusammengestellt, fast immer flach, durch die Natur, entlang an Kanälen... Die Annehmlichkeiten sind zahlreicher und die Unterkünfte sind in besseren Hotels. Ausserdem übernehmen wir die Logistik des Transfers und bieten die Möglichkeit eines Begleitfahrzeugs. Im Allgemeinen führen die Routen über Orte und historische Städte, die zum mehrtägigen Verweilen einladen, um die Tour in vollen Zügen zu geniessen. Sie können sich, wie immer, einer geführten Gruppe anschließen oder auf eigene Faust nach unseren Anleitungen fahren.

Die berühmte Torta

Käse aus Casar de Caceres

This is a one-days, gastronomy, very easy route for families and beginners. This time we go to Extremadura, to Casar de Cáceres, famous for its cheeses, and especially his famous torta. The route follows the Silver Way and gets back by...
Sonnenaufgang im Bot

Der greenway des Zafan-Tal

This is a linear route, for moderate cyclists, with a significant length of approximately 165 km of riding in four days. In its first part it runs along the greenways of the Val del Zafán, Terra Alta and the Baix Ebre, linking...
Winterhimmel über dem See

Die Lagune von Nava

This is a circular, 2-days route, for beginners and all those that want to enjoy of a good place where sightseeing birds. The old 'Mar de Campos', one of the biggest wetland of the peninsula, was dried on the 60s of the past century, and...
Tajuña Wiesen

Wein und Öl aus Madrid

This is a 2-days, gastronomic route, very easy, for beginners and also adaptable to families, that runs along the valley of the Tajuña river. Our goal is to learn about its production of wine and olive oil. On the first day and thanks to...
Datei: P0321a.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Mit dem Fahrrad zu den Sternen - CALH, Puebla de Almoradiel - Toledo

This is a weekend, linear, easy route for beginners, in which we are going to visit an observatory very close to Madrid. We go to Quintanar de la Orden by transportation and the follow the greenway of the 'Trenillo' (Little Train) to get...
Der Tajuña Greenway in Ambite

Die Greenways der SO von Madrid

This is an easy, circular, weekend route for beginners, that starts and finishes at the Arganda del Rey metro station, and runs along the greenway of Tajuña river and 40-days greenway to reach Brea de Tajo, where we spend the night. On...
Entlang der Wiesen, im Hintergrund der Valmayor-Damm

Der Guadarrama Fluss

Starting from Collado Villalba train station we travel more than 70 km through the Regional Park of the Middle Guadarrama River, to end at Serranillos del Valle, and from there get again the train in Humanes. On first day we...
Der Guadarrama Greenway

Der Fluss Alberche

This is an easy, linear, weekend route for initiated, that starts at the Robledo de Chavela train station, and follows by an ecological trail that crosses the mountain range of Cuerda de la Parada and ends at the dam of San Juan reservoir...
Pincelada Fass und Weinreben

Pincelada Weine

This is a one-day, very easy route, for initiated cyclists. We propose you to spend a day visiting an ecological wine cellar nearby Madrid. Taking the subway we get out in Arganda del Rey and take the greenway of the river Tajuña up to...
Überquerung des Flusses Berrón

Der Greenway Baskisch-Navarro

This is a weekend route, linear, for initiated cyclists, that runs almost 80 km of the greenway of the Vasco-Navarro train. This train track was the longest electrified narrow gauge railway of the peninsula, linking the core of the Guipuzkoan...