
Gibt es 136 Routen
Bei den Vorpyrenäen

Der Carrilet Greenway

This is a 2-days, linear route, for initiates, that runs in a couple of days the almost 100 km of greenway that goes from Olot, and the volcanoes of La Garrotxa, to Sant Feliu de Guíxols, on the Costa Brava. We cross the pre-Pyrenees surrounded by volcanoes, pass through Girona, the...
Der ausgefallene El Gasco Damm

Der El Gasco Damm

This is a linear route, with a fun half day, for beginners who want to put their bike handling to the test, with slides, ramps, narrow passages and some compromising steps. We are going to visit the El Gasco dam, the first scene of an unrealized dream. The project was to build a canal...
Niedrige Wolken in den Montes Universales

Der Geopark Molina de Aragón und Alto Tajo

This is a 6-days, circular route, for advanced cyclists who know how to roll many km by bad tracks through a sawtooth profile track. The route rides on around the Geopark of Molina de Aragón and Upper Tagus Region, from where three of the main rivers of the southern half of Spain...
Der Montserrat aus dem Parc de l'Agulla von Manresa

Der Geopark Zentralkatalonien

This is a circular route of 7 days of pedaling, for intermediate cyclists, that runs through the regions of Bages and Moianés de la Catalunya Central. Along days of short pedaling and many stops, we will visit the sites of geological interest that show us the ancient inland sea that...
Das Baza-Becken und der Berg Jabalón. Autor: agracier - NO VIEWS, CC A-SA 3.0 Unported, baja resolución.

Der Granada Geopark mit dem Fahrrad

This is a linear route, 8 days of pedaling, for intermediate cyclists who want to explore the spectacular landscapes of the new Granada Geopark. Through the basins of Baza and Guadix we will get to know a territory with overwhelming canyons, badlands, wild rivers and rich plains, and the...
Überquerung des Flusses Berrón

Der Greenway Baskisch-Navarro

This is a weekend route, linear, for initiated cyclists, that runs almost 80 km of the greenway of the Vasco-Navarro train. This train track was the longest electrified narrow gauge railway of the peninsula, linking the core of the Guipuzkoan coalfields with the capital of the Valley of the Ega...
Olivenbäume und Berge

Der Greenway des Öls

This is a linear route, easy but long, for intermediate cyclists. More than 120 km of greenways that cross the heart of the Andalusian olive-growing area along three days. The route follows the track of the old train of the olive oil, that snakes between the foothills of the...
Der Gipfel San Pedro von Colmenar Viejo

Der grüne Korridor Montejo de la Sierra - Soto de Viñuelas

This is a demanding, linear route, that takes us in two day's ride from the borderline of highest summits of the community of Madrid, in Montejo de la Sierra, to the outskirts of the capital city, in the forests of the Soto de Viñuelas, just near Tres Cantos. Following royal cattleroads...
Auf dem Radweg fahren

Der grüne Weg der Eisenberge

This is an easy one-day route for initiated cyclists, that takes us through the Enkarterri, the Encartaciones, to get up close to the iron mining landscape, which was so important in this area until a few years ago. Leaving Bilbao by train, we arrive at Artzentales and we start to ride...
Der Beginn des Greenway in der Sierra Menera

Der grüne Weg von Ojos Negros

This is a one-week linear route for intermediate cyclists, that runs along the longest greenway on the peninsula for now, from its origin in the mining town of Ojos Negros (Teruel) to the surroundings of Sagunto, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The old mining train track, almost...